Category: Bill Shein

Hubbled and Humbled

By Mickey Friedman June 13, 2016 I’m finishing up my second I Ching mystery, Folly. It’s an act of faith, believing that stringing together word after word, ever so slowly, for me if not for Stephen King, paragraphs coalescing into…

Let the Voting Begin

By Bill Shein February 5, 2016 Our brief, abbreviated, far-too-short presidential campaign (sarcasm heavy) has finally entered the brief, abbreviated, far-too-short (sarcasm heavier) phase where voters have their say. Where the oft-repeated, cringe-worthy claims that “the only poll that matters…

The Best Facts Money Can Buy

By Bill Shein August 13, 2015 “As soon as we discovered that we didn’t have not only Coca-Cola but other funding sources on the website, we put it on there. Does that make us totally corrupt in everything we do?”…

New Features in Windows 10

by Bill Shein August 10, 2015 Tech giant Microsoft this week released Windows 10, the latest version of its “operating system” that “runs” more than “ninety percent” of “personal computers” on “Earth.” (Unnecessary quotation marks added unnecessarily for “emphasis.”) It…

How to Enjoy Tanglewood

By Bill Shein July 24, 2015 Let’s get this straight at the start: I love Tanglewood. The combination of talented musicians, lovely grounds, affordable lawn tickets, and the chance to enjoy warm summer nights with friends and classical music is…

The Exploding GOP Field

By Bill Shein July 11, 2015 Soft-spoken, an energetic volunteer at her church, and able to whip up the tastiest batch of butter cookies you ever let melt on your tongue, Lorna P. McClatchen is a mother of six, doting…

A letter to small creatures

By Bill Shein June 28, 2015 Hello from the land of Homo sapiens, my little furry friends! I’ve been thinking about you a great deal lately, as in recent weeks I’ve seen too many of you needlessly killed on our…

Yes, I Was Hillary Clinton’s Live-In IT Guy

By Bill Shein October 16, 2015 As Hillary Clinton heads toward an appearance before The Permanent Joint Congressional Select Committee on Investigating Bill and Hillary Clinton Until Long After They’re Dead to discuss her private e-mail server, it’s time for…

A Fence with a View

By Bill Shein April 3, 2015 “The Town of Great Barrington is accepting letters of interest from legal residents/registered voters to fill the following vacancies: Fence Viewer (1) – Until 2015.” – From “Jobs and Opportunities” on To the…

My crazy idea

By Bill Shein February 20, 2015 It can’t be called “spring cleaning” when the temperature outside is minus 5 degrees, but last week I was reorganizing my basement and found a file box neatly labeled, “1989 Correspondence, A-L.” Yes, I…

Of storms and men

By Bill Shein February 9, 2015 As I write these words on Monday (January 26), another intense storm is barreling into the northeast, bringing cold, wind, and possibly record snowfall. On my face, the air has a brisk, but not…

Our New Fire-To-Farm-To-Table House

By Mickey Friedman September 18, 2014 Remember being told the old firehouse was a serious hazard to the town employees who worked there and the citizens who came to consult them? So why are our town employees are still working…