Tag: People’s Pantry

Mel Multiplied

Mickey Friedman November 7, 2019 I do Thursday. One of a team picking up donated food from Fuel, Big Y, Guido’s, and Great Barrington Bagel for People’s Pantry weekly food distribution. Early on it was Mel Greenberg, sometimes Phyllis Weiss,…

The Right Thing

By Mickey Friedman January 12, 2018 We’re beginning to hear yet another version of The Blame The Victim Song that seems to comfort so many who have pledged to dismantle the few programs that still provide care and offer some…


By Mickey Friedman November 11, 2016 My mother, before she was shipped out as a child to a bunch of foster homes, each one more miserable than the next, did a stint with the Nuns, who tried to beat the…

Some Lettuce and Tomato

November 8, 2013 By Mickey Friedman Mel was hoping he’d score some lettuce and tomato. And thanks to Guido’s, Mel and friends offered 108 people salad with the chicken dinner Ski Butternut donated. I joined Mel Greenberg and Jürek Zamoyski…